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2019.10 - 至今,安徽师范大学 彩票app ,讲师,副教授;

2016.9 - 2018.9,意大利核物理研究院南方国家实验室,博士后(INFN fellowship);

2016.7 - 2019.9,山西大学 理论物理研究所,讲师;

2011.9 - 2016.6,中国科学院近代物理研究所&兰州大学,硕博连读,粒子物理与原子核物理专业;

2007.9 - 2011.7,山西大学,本科,物理学(国家基地)专业。




1. 重离子碰撞中核子-核子短程关联效应与对称能高密行为的理论研究,国家自然科学基金,项目批准号:11705109,项目负责人, 2018年1月-2020年12月(已结题)

2. 利用光子探测对称能的高密依赖行为,安徽省留学人员创新创业重点项目,项目编号:2020LCX011,项目负责人,2020年4月-2023年3月(在研)


1. 2020年安徽省“××计划”青年人才项目

2. 2018年山西省“三晋英才”青年优秀人才

3. 2016-2018年度“意大利INFN fellowship”(博士后奖学金)

4. 2015年度“研究生国家奖学金”

5. 2014~2015学年,中国科学院大学“三好学生”

6. 2013~2014学年,中国科学院大学“三好学生”


1. Wen-Mei Guo, Bao-An Li, and Gao-Chan Yong, “Imprints of high-momentum nucleons in nuclei on hard photons from heavy-ion collisions near the Fermi energy”, Phys. Rev. C 104, 034603 (2021).

2. Wen-Mei Guo, M. Colonna, V. Greco, U. Lombardo, and H. J. Schulze, “The spin-isospin decomposition of nuclear symmetry energy”, Chin. Phys. C 44(5), 054110 (2020).

3. Wen-Mei Guo, U. Lombardo, and P. Schuck, “Medium polarization effects in 3SD1 spin-triplet pairing”, Phys. Rev. C 99, 014310 (2019).

4. Wen-Mei Guo, J. M. Dong, X. Shang, H. F. Zhang, W. Zuo, M. Colonna, U. Lombardo, “Proton-proton 1S0 pairing in neutron stars”, Nucl. Phys. A 986, 18 (2019).

5. P. Yin, X. H. Fan, J. M. Dong, Wen-Mei Guo, and W. Zuo, “Model-dependence of neutrino emissivities and neutrino luminosities of neutron stars from the direct Urca processes and the modified Urca processes”, Nucl. Phys. A 961, 200 (2017).

6. Wen-Mei Guo, Gao-Chan Yong, Hang Liu and Wei Zuo. “Effects of pion potential and nuclear symmetry energy on the π−/π+ ratio in heavy-ion collisions at beam energies around the pion production threshold”. Phys. Rev. C 91, 054616 (2015).

7. Wen-Mei Guo, Gao-Chan Yong and Wei Zuo. “Effect of Δ potential on the π−/π+ ratio in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies”. Phys. Rev. C 92, 054619 (2015).

8. Wen-Mei Guo, Gao-Chan Yong, Yongjia Wang, Qingfeng Li, Hongfei Zhang and Wei Zuo. “Normal or abnormal isospin-fractionation as a qualitative probe of nuclear symmetry energy at supra-densities”. Physics Letters B 738, 397 -400 (2014).

9. Wen-Mei Guo, Gao-Chan Yong and Wei Zuo. “Effects of nuclear symmetry energy and in-medium NN cross section in heavy-ion collisions at beam energies below the pion production threshold”. Phys. Rev. C 90, 044605 (2014).

10. Wen-Mei Guo, Gao-Chan Yong, YongjiaWang, Qingfeng Li, Hongfei Zhang and Wei Zuo. “Model dependence of isospin sensitive observables at high densities”. Physics Letters B, 726, 211-217 (2013).

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