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杨新艳,女,1989年9月生,河南南阳人,工学博士,现任彩票app-彩票app下载 副教授,光电信息科学与技术和光学工程专业硕导,光电材料科学与技术安徽省重点实验室秘书,安徽师范大学学科后备人才。


电子信箱:[email protected]




研究领域与方向 激光与物质相互作用、激光光谱、等离子体




1. 第八届中国激光诱导击穿光谱学术会议优秀青年学者报告奖,2020

2. 第四届中国激光诱导击穿光谱技术研讨会最佳poster奖,2016

3. 亚洲激光诱导击穿光谱技术会议最佳学生论文奖银奖,2015


1. 安徽省高校协同创新项目子课题,等离子体杂质含量及分布监测的诊断技术(GXXT-2021-029),2021/08-2023/08,在研,主持;

2. 先进激光技术安徽省实验室开放基金,水中富营养化元素的LIBS增强方法研究(AHL 2020 KF03),2021/01-2023/01,在研,主持;

3. 安徽省质量工程项目,“新工科”背景下基于科教融合的《现代光学仪器分析选论》课程建设研究(皖教秘高【2020】155号),2020/12-2022/12,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,水中重金属元素的表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱特性研究(61805002),2019/01-2021/12,结题,主持;

5. 安徽省重点研究与开发计划面上项目,基于激光诱导击穿光谱技术的污水重金属污染物检测技术研究(1804a0802193),2018/01-2020/12,结题,主持;

6. 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目,水体富营养化元素高灵敏表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱检测技术研究(KJ2018A0308),2018/01-2019/12,结题,主持;

7. 安徽师范大学创新基金,零价铁辅助激光诱导击穿光谱新方法研究(2018XJJ104),2018/01-2019/12,在研,主持;

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,能态选择性激发抑制激光诱导击穿光谱的自吸收效应研究(61575073),2016/01-2019/12,结项,参与;

9. 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项,基于共振激发与空间约束的高精度激光探针成分分析仪的开发(2011TQ160017),2011/11-2016/10,结项,参与。


1. 徐鹏, 贾韧, 姚关心, 秦正波, 郑贤锋, 杨新艳, 崔执凤∗.混合水溶液中金属元素的偏最小二乘法激光诱导击穿光谱[J]. 量子电子学报,2022.

2. 傅院霞, 贾韧, 徐鹏, 薛玲, 姚关心, 郑贤锋, 秦正波, 杨新艳, 崔执凤∗. 金属基质激光诱导击穿光谱最佳离焦量的基质效应研究[J]. 中国激光,2022.

3. Xinyan Yang*, Xiangyou Li, Zhifeng Cui, Guanxin Yao, Zhengxian Zhou, and Kuanguo Li. Improving the sensitivity of surface-enhanced laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy by repeating sample preparation[J], Frontiers in Physics, 2020, 8:194.

4. Yanbei Zhu*, Jhanis J. Gonzalez, Xinyan Yang, George C.-Y. Chan, Xin He, Robert Kostecki, Xianglei Mao, Richard E. Russo, and Vassilia Zorba*. Calcium fluoride as a dominating matrix for quantitative analysis by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): A feasibility study[J], Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1129:24-30.

5. 贾韧, 傅院霞, 徐鹏, 杨新艳, 姚关心, 郑贤锋, 崔执凤*. 金属特性对激光诱导击穿光谱最佳实验参数的影响[J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2020, 37(5):6.

6. Rongxing Yi*, Xinyan Yang*, Fangrui Lin, and Sheng Ren. Improving the spectral qualities of major elements in soil by controlling the ambient pressure in time-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J], Applied Optics, 2019, 58:8824-8828.

7. 李乘, 姚关心, 杨新艳, 秦正波, 郑贤锋, 崔执凤*. 液相基质激光诱导击穿光谱的关键实验参数优化[J]. 激光与光电子学进展,2019

8. Xinyan Yang*, Rongxing Yi, Xiangyou Li, Zhifeng Cui, Yongfeng Lu, Zhongqi Hao, Jingchun Huang, Zhengxian Zhou, Guanxin Yao, and Xiaoli Wang, Spreading a water droplet through filter paper on the metal substrate for surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26:30456-30465.

9. Xinyan Yang*, Xiangyou Li, Zhifeng Cui, Zhongqi Hao, Yongfeng Lu, Jingchun Huang, Guanxin Yao, and Xiaoli Wang, Analytical-performance improvement of aqueous solution by chemical replacement combined with surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Applied Optics, 2018, 57:7135-7139.

10. PingYang, Yining Zhu, Xinyan Yang, Jiaming Li, Shisong Tang, Zhongqi Hao, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Xiaoyan Zeng, YongfengLu. Evaluation of sample preparation methods for rice geographic origin classification using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy [J]. Journal of Cereal Science, 2018, 80: 111-118.

11. Xinyan Yang, Zhongqi Hao, Meng Shen, Rongxing Yi, Jiaming Li, Huiwu Yu, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Xiaoyan Zeng, and Yongfeng Lu. Simultaneous determination of La, Ce, Pr, and Nd elements in aqueous solution using surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Talanta, 2017, 163: 127-131.

12. Wanting Li, Xinyan Yang, Xin Li, Shisong Tang, Jiaming Li, Ping Yang, Zhongqi Hao, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Xiaoyan Zeng, and Yongfeng Lu. A portable multi-collector system based on an artificial optical compound eye for stand-off laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, 32(10), 1975-1979.

13. Xiao Cheng, Xinyan Yang, Zhihao Zhu, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Yongfeng Lu, and Xiaoyan Zeng. On-stream analysis of iron ore slurry using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Applied Optics, 2017, 55(33): 9144-9149.

14. Yangmin Guo, Leimin Deng, Xinyan Yang, Jiaming Li, Kuohu Li, Zhihao Zhu, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Yongfeng Lu, and Xiaoyan Zeng. Wavelet-based interference correction for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, 32(12), 2401-2406. 8.

15. Rongxing Yi, Jiaming Li, Xinyan Yang, Ran Zhou , Huiwu Yu, Zhongqi Hao, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Xiaoyan Zeng, and Yongfeng Lu. Spectral interference elimination in soil analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy assisted by laser-induced fluorescence[J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(4): 2334-2337.

16. Yining Zhu, Ping Yang, Xinyan Yang, Jiaming Li, Zhongqi Hao, Qiushi Li, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Xiaoyan Zeng, Yongfeng Lu, Classification of Fresh Meat Species Using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy with Support Vector Machine and Principal Component Analysis, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 45(3): 336-341.

17. Xinyan Yang, Zhongqi Hao, Changmao Li, Jiaming Li, Rongxing Yi, Meng Shen, LianboGuo, Xiangyou Li, Yongfeng Lu, and Xiaoyan Zeng. Sensitive determinations of Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr elements in aqueous solutions using chemical replacement combined with surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. Optics express, 2016, 24(12):13410-13417.

18. Xinyan Yang, Lianbo Guo, Jiaming Li, Rongxing Yi, Zhongqi Hao, Meng Shen, Ran Zhou, Kuohu Li, Xiangyou Li, Yongfeng Lu, and Xiaoyan Zeng. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of liquid solutions: a comparative study on the forms of liquid surface and liquid aerosol[J]. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(26): 7406-7411.

19. Changmao Li, Zhimin Zou, Xinyan Yang, Zhongqi Hao, Lianbo Guo, Xiangyou Li, Yongfeng Lu, and Xiaoyan Zeng. Quantitative analysis of phosphorus in steel using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in air atmosphere[J]. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014, 29(8): 1432-1437.


1. An experimental investigation on mechanism of metal matrix effect in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy,11 th international conference on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS2020), invited speech, Japan, 2020.09.

2. 水溶液中多种微量金属元素的激光诱导击穿光谱动力学研究,第八届中国激光诱导击穿光谱学术会议(CSLIBS 2020),Oral,大连,2020.08.

3. 安徽省光学学会光物理光化学年会,蚌埠,2019.12

4. 中国光学工程学会LIBS专委会第二届常务委员会会议曁学术交流会,南昌,2019.11

5. 表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱(SENLIBS)中金属衬底的作用机理研究,中国化学会第31届学术年会,Poster,杭州,2018.05.

6. 化学置换-表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱(CR-SENLIBS)对液相检测性能的改善研究,第二届全国激光光谱技术青年学术论坛,Oral,合肥,2018.04

7. 表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱(SENLIBS)中金属衬底的作用机理研究,第六届中国激光诱导击穿光谱技术研讨会CSLIBS2018,Oral,西安,2018.03.

8. 水溶液成分表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱检测技术研究,长三角三省一市及中部六省光学学会先进制造高峰论坛暨安徽省光学学会2017年度年会,Oral,芜湖,2017.11.

9. Sensitive determinations of Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr elements in aqueous solutions using chemical replacement combined with surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, 9th Inteinational conference on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Oral, France, 2016.09.

10. Optimization of metallic substrates for surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, The Fourth Chinese Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Oral, Shenyang, 2016.03.

11. Quantitative analyses of chromium and cadmium elements in aqueous solution using chemical replacement combined with surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, The Asian Symposium on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 2015, Poster, Wuhan, 2015.06.


1. 用于降低激光诱导击穿光谱自吸收效应的基体稀释方法,发明专利,2022.07,授权,第一发明人;

2. 一种用于激光诱导等离子体的空间元素成像装置,实用新型专利,2020.10,授权,第一发明人;

3. 激光诱导击穿光谱分析仪,外观设计专利,2020.08,授权,第一发明人;

4. Dynamic calibration method for echelle spectrometer in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,美国发明专利,2019.06,授权,第四发明人;

5. 一种提高激光诱导击穿光谱重叠峰定量分析精度的方法,发明专利,2019.05,授权,第三发明人;

6. 基于激光诱导击穿光谱对水体元素定量分析的制样方法,发明专利,2018.11,授权,第二发明人;

7. 用于激光诱导击穿光谱采集的阶梯光谱仪动态校正方法,发明专利,2017.08,授权,第三发明人;

8. Dynamic calibration method for echelle spectrometer in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy,美国发明专利,2019.06.04,授权,第四发明人;

9. 用于激光诱导击穿光谱分析仪的高度自适应样品夹持装置,实用新型专利,2017.09,授权,第三发明人;

10. 一种利用激光探针快速检测矿浆的装置,实用新型专利,2017.08,授权,第三发明人;

11. 一种提高表面增强激光诱导击穿光谱探测灵敏度的制样方法,发明专利,2018.10,受理,第一发明人;

12. 一种用于激光诱导击穿光谱的射流装置,发明专利,2018.04,实审,第一发明人;

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