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时间:2018-09-10     预审:王升洋




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(1) 2008/09–2013/12,大连海事大学,信息科学技术学院,博士(硕博连读)

(2) 2013/12-2017/06,安徽师范大学,彩票app ,讲师

(3) 2017/07-至今,安徽师范大学,彩票app ,副教授

(4) 2015/03-2017/03,大连理工大学,博士后

(5) 2016/05-2016/08,香港中文大学,访问学者






(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,61503003,基于调度采样的网络化系统分布式控制策略研究,2016/01-2018/12,24万元,在研,主持。

(2) 安徽省自然科学基金项目,1508085QF126,信道受限的网络化系统采样与信道分配研究,2015/07-2017/06,8万元、在研、主持。

(3) 中国博士后科学基金,网络化系统的信道分配与分布式控制策略研究,在研,2015/07-2016/06,8万元、结题、主持。

(4) 安徽省自然科学基金项目,2008085MF199,网络环境下直流微电网的分析与控制方法研究,2020/07-2023/06, 12万元,在研,主持。


1 卢自宝, 田凯健, 方明星, 曲立国. 基于运输成本的高速公路车辆协同调度与速度规划.控制与决策:1-9[2022-05-09].DOI:10.13195/j.kzyjc.2021.1797.

2. 卢自宝, 钟尚鹏, 郭戈. 基于分布式策略的直流微电网下垂控制器设计. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(10): 2472−2483.

3. 卢自宝, 龚莉, 赵传超, 郑睿. 直流微电网中 DC-DC 变换器的切换控制方法研究, 仪器仪表学报, 2021,42(8): 202-209。

4. Lu Zibao, Zhong Shangpeng, Guoge. Optimal Decision on Current Sharing and Voltage Balancing in DC Microgrids With Feedforward Input. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2021, 36(3): 2545-2555.

5. Zibao Lu,Liguo Qu,Ziyin Lu. An Improved Switching Approach for Networked Systems with Packet Loss, Wireless Personal Communications. 115: 1589–1601, 2020.

6. Zibao Lu, Shangpeng Zhong, and Liguo Qu, A switching approach to packet loss compensation strategy, IEEE Access, 2019.1.16, 7: 5609~5615

7. Lu Zibao, Guo Ge, Wang Guili and Yang Guoqing, Hybrid Random-event- and Time-triggered Control and Scheduling, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 14(3): 845-853, 2016.

8. Guo Ge, Lu Zibao, Shi Peng. Event-driven actuators: to zero or to hold? International International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 24(17): 2761-2773, 2014.

9. Wu ligang, Lu Zibao, Guoge, Analysis Synthesis and experiments of networked platoons withcommunication constraints, Promet-Traffic and Transportation, 2017, 29(1): 35-44.

10. Lu Zibao, Guo Ge, Hao Li-Ying. An improved hold strategy to packet loss compensation, the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017.12.12 -2017.12.15.

11. Lu Zibao, Yan Zhuang, Lei Yuan. Random sampling and performance analysis for networked systems, Proceedings of the 36nd Chinese Control Conference, 2017.7.26-2017.7.28.

12. Lu Zibao, Guo Ge, Co-design of Controller and Communication Sequences,the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,278-283, 2016-05-28,Yinchuan.

13. Feng Ruifang, Lu Zibao, Guo Ge, Analysis and Synthesis of Vehicle Platooning with Event-triggered Communication, 2017-07-28,Dalian

14. Lu Zibao, Guo Ge*. Communications and control co-design: A combined dynamic-static scheduling approach, Science China Information Sciences, 55(11): 2495-2507, 2012.

15. Lu Zibao, Guo Ge*. Control with sensors/actuators assigned by Markov chains: transition rates partially unknown. IET Control Theory and Applications. 7(8): 1088-1097, 2013.

16. Guo Ge, Lu Zibao and Han Qing-Long. Control with Markov sensors/actuators assignment, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(7): 1799-1804, 2012.

17. Guo Ge, Lu Zibao. Markov actuator assignment for networked control systems, European Journal of Control, 18(4): 323-330, 2012.

18. Guo Ge, Lu Zibao. Markov actuator assignment for networked control systems comment, European Journal of Control, 18(4): 332-333, 2012.(文献类型:Editorial Material (reply) ,

19. Guo Ge, Lu Zibao, Jin Hui. Controller design for systems with multi-packet transmissions, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 2012, 134(5) : 051001.

20. 潘翔,金甲杰,卢自宝*, 同步发电机的自触发励磁控制研究,济南大学学报,30(5): 364-367, 2016.9.


1. 郭戈, 卢自宝. 网络化控制系统的新进展科学出版社, 2015.3 (论著)


1. 分布式系统网络化控制理论及应用,辽宁省科学技术三等奖,辽宁省科学技术奖励委员会,2015年,排名5.

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