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时间:2022-04-06     编辑:米佳佳


高芳,女,1988年01月生, 安徽安庆人,现任彩票app-彩票app下载 副教授,安徽省智能机器人信息融合与控制工程研究中心秘书,安徽师范大学学科后备人才。

电子邮箱:[email protected]



2017年-至今 安徽师范大学,彩票app

博士后:2022-06 至今, 在站, 安徽海螺集团有限责任公司,中国科学技术大学




1、 先进控制技术及其应用

2、 随机混杂系统建模与控制

3、 电力系统分析与控制




1. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,2023/09-2026/08, 10.0万元,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019/01-2021/12,24.0万元,主持,结题;

3. 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,2018/07-2021/06, 10.0万元,主持,结题


① Fang Gao*; Wenbin Chen; Min Wu; Jinhua She; Output-Feedback Control in Nonlinear Singular Systems with Exogenous Disturbance Based on State Decomposition Technique,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2024,20(2):1952-1962.

② Fang Gao*; Wenbin Chen; Min Wu; Jinhua She; Robust H∞ control of uncertain singular systems based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach, Asian Journal of Control, 2020,22(1): 2071-2079.

③ Fang Gao*; Wenbin Chen; Disturbance Rejection in Singular Time-delay Systems with External Disturbances, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 20(6) (2022) 1841-1848.

④ Wenbin Chen*; Fang Gao; Jinhua She; Weifeng Xia; Further results on delay-dependent stability for neutral singular systems via state decomposition method, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2020,141(1): 1-9.

⑤ Wenbin Chen; Fang Gao; Guobao Liu; Shenyuan Xu*; Zhengqiang Zhang; New reliable filter design for singular Markovian jump time-delay systems with sensor failures. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2021, 31(9):4361-4377.

⑥ Fang Gao; Min Wu*; Jinhua She; Weihua Cao; Disturbance rejection in nonlinear systems based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach, Applied Mathematics and Computations, 2016, 282: 244-253.

⑦ Fang Gao; Min Wu*; Jinhua She; Weihua Cao; Active disturbance rejection in affine nonlinear systems based on equivalent - input - disturbance approach, Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(5): 1767-1776.

⑧ Min Wu*; Fang Gao; Pan Yu; Jinhua She; Weihua Cao; Improve disturbance-rejection performance for an equivalent-input-disturbance-based control system by incorporating a proportional-integral observer, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(2):1254-1260.

⑨ Min Wu*; Fang Gao; Jinhua She; Weihua Cao; Active disturbance rejection in switched neutral delay systems based on equivalent - input -disturbance approach, IET Control Theory & Applications.2016, 10 (18): 2387-2393.

⑩ Wenbin Chen; Fang Gao., S.Y. Xu et al, Robust stabilization for uncertain singular Markovian jump systems via dynamic output-feedback control [J].Systems & Control Letters, 2023, 171: 105433.

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